SUNDAR, BABA, celebrated for his six stanza composition, the Ramkali Sadu, incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib, was the great grand son of Guru Amar Das. His father, Anand Das son of Baba Mohri, was a man of a devout temperament. Sundar grew up in an environment of faith and piety and developed deep affection and reverence for Guru Amar Das, his great grandfather. The theme of his poem, Sadu meaning call, is the ascension of Guru Amar Das, described in terms of his having been recalled by God Almighty.
The hymn states how Guru Amar Das had completely surrendered himself to the Will of the Supreme Being, ever remaining absorbed in meditation on the Name, how he had, through the favour of Gurus, attained the office of Guru, how he, at the time of his departure, had appointed Ram Das his successor and how he had told his family to abide by the Will of the Lord and not to weep for him after him.
References :
1. Gurdit Singh, Giani, Itihas Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Bhagat Bani Bhag). Chandigarh, 1990
2. Sahib Singh, Bhagat Barn Satik. Amritsar, 1959-60
3. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion : Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors. Oxford, 1909