INDIA SECRET PROCEEDINGS (1834-1856), a manuscript series of Indian records at the India Office Library, London, succeeding Bengal Secret and Political Consultations (1800-34). It includes the entire range of despatches and correspondence of the North-West Frontier Agency from the heyday of Sikh political power in the Punjab down to the annexation of the Punjab in 1849.
Among the more important documents are the correspondence relating to the Anglo Sikh Sc india affairs; Sikh designs on Sindh and Shikarpur (1834-37); the Indus Navigation Scheme (1838); despatches concerning Macnaghtcn`s mission to Lahore and the Tripartite Treaty (1838); correspondence, despatches, newsletters, intelligence reports, minutes and memoranda relating to the first Anglo Afghan war and the Sikh cooperation in the British military operations on the Khaibar, especially the despatches of Wade from Peshawar, and of Clerk from Lahore (1839); despatches of Wade, Clerk, Mackeson and other British functionaries dealing with the political affairs at Lahore, Anglo Sikh relations, the Sikh Afghan boundaries, passage of the British troops and convoys through the heart of the Punjab and the Punjab Intelligence Reports (1840); despatches of the Agent, North-West Frontier, about the political affairs at Lahore and British policy towards the Sikhs, the passage of Captain Broadfoot with the royal Afghan families through the Punjab, Anglo Sikh tension on the Sikh boundaries in the Yusufzai territory beyond the Peshawar Valley, political anarchy at Lahore and the Punjab Intelligence Reports (1841); correspondence about the events at Peshawar, particularly the British offer of Jalalabad to the Sikhs and its evacuation afterwards, and Clerk`s despatches and reports from Lahore (1842); correspondence relating to the termination of the Tripartite Treaty and proposals for a new Anglo Sikh treaty and Intelligence Reports on Punjab affairs and statistical data on the Sikh army and its dispositions (1843); reports on the events in Lahore, especially the assassination of Sher Singh, accession of Maharaja Duleep Singh, and other events which led to the Anglo Sikh war (1845-46).
References :
1. IIasrat, BikramaJit, ed.. The Punjab Paper f,. Hoshiarpur, 1970