Messengers were immediately despatched to bring Guru Nanak to his house. As he arrived, Malik Bhago spoke to him in resentful tones: “How is it that you ignored my invitation to the brahm bhoj (lit. feast in honour of Brahmans and other holymen)? Or, is it that the food your casteless host serves you is better than mine?” Guru Nanak said, “I eat what God sends. There are no castes in God`s sight.” “Then, you should eat whatever is offered in this house.” Sumptuous victuals were thereupon summoned from his kitchen. At the same time.
Guru Nanak asked Bhai Lalo, who had followed him to the Malik`s mansion, to bring food from his house. In the words of Bala Janam Sakhi, “Guru Nanak took Lalo`s coarse bread in his right hand and Malik Bhago`s delicacies in the left. As he pressed both, milk dripped from Lalo`s coarse bread and blood from Malik Bhago`s delicacies. The entire assembly was lost in amazement.” Bhai Lalo is counted among the earliest emissaries of the Sikh faith. The word Lalo occurs several times in one of Guru Nanak hymns in the measure Tilarig describing in moving accents the suffering caused by Babar`s invasion. The conjecture is that those lines were addressed to Bhai Lalo, his disciple.
References :
1. Kohli, Surindar Singh, ed., Janamsakhi Bhai Bala Chandigarh, 1975
2. Vir Singh, Bhai, ed., Puratan Janam Sakhi. Amritsar, 1982
3. Harbans Singh, Guru Nannk and Origin of the Sikh Faith. Bombay, 1969
4. McLeod, W.H., Early Sikh Tradition. Oxford, 1980