A minor dispute between the foraging parties of the two camps had developed into a fierce encounter. Guru Gobind Singh sent Man Singh to the scene to intervene and settle the issue, but a chance bullet hit him and proved fatal. The exact place and date of the incident are not known. While Giani Garja Singh, editor of Shahta Bilas quoting Bhatt Vahis, places the event in Chittor in Rajasthan (3 April 1708), Kavi Sainapati, a contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh, in his Sri Gur Sobha records that the skirmish took place near the River Narbada (Narmada), which was crossed a few weeks after the date metioned in the former work. The Niharig Sikhs trace the origin of their order from Bhai Man Singh.
References :
1. Sukha Singh, Gurbilas Patshahi Dasvin. Lahore, 1912
2. Santokh Singh, Sri Cur Pratap Suraj Cranth. Amritsar, 1927-35
3. Gian Singh, Giani, Twarikh Guru Khalsa [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970
4. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909