AKBAR KHAN MUHAMMAD (d. 1848), son of Dost Muhammad Khan, the ruler of Afghanistan. He was a Hery young man of great dash and daring. Like his father, he was keen to regain the Afghan possessions in India Multan, Kashmir, Attock and Peshawar. In 1837, Dost Muhammad Khan declared a holy war against the Sikhs and attacked the fortress of Jamrud at the entrance to the Khaibar Pass. An attack led by Akbar Khan was repulsed, though the valiant Sikh general, Hari Singh Nalva, was killed in the action.
After the assassination of Maharaja Sher Singh in September 1843, Akbar Khan\’s ambition to recover Peshawar was revived. Early in 1844 he set up his camp at Jalalabad and began to make preparations for an attack on Peshawar, but failed to take possession of the city. He died in 1848.
References :
1. Suri, Sohan Lal, `Umdat-ut-Twarikh. Lahore, 1885-89.
2. Gupta, Hari Ram, Panjab on the`Eve of First Sikh War. Chandigarh, 1975
3. Hasrat, BikramaJit, Life and Times ofRanjit Singh. Hoshiarpur, 1977