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- The Sikh Empire [1799 - 1839]11
- The Modern History of Sikhs [1947 - present]9
- The establishment of the Khalsa Panth [1699]3
- The British and Sikhs [1849 - 1947]55
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh's Bani83
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- slider4
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- Sikh reformist movements16
- Sikh political institutions and movements23
- Sikh Political figures404
- Sikh Mystics and Traditional scholars80
- Sikh Martyrs143
- Sikh Gurus9
- Sikh Confederacies [1708 - 1769]13
- row4.11
- row3.11
- row32
- row2.15
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- Punjab2
- Punjab287
- Political Philosophy14
- Philosophy, Spirituality and Ethics352
- Philosophy33
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- Other Historical Places405
- Nineteenth century Literature48
- Mythological references209
- Muslims rulers and Sufi saints111
- Musicology and Musicians34
- Moral codes and Sikh practices55
- Modern works on Sikhs and Sikhism12
- Modern Scholars of Sikhism33
- Metaphysics8
- Martial Heritage12
- Literature in the Singh Sabha movement14
- India84
- In the times of Gurus [1469 - 1708]5
- Historical Events in Sikh History106
- Historic Gurdwaras outside Punjab6
- Historic Gurdwaras in Punjab38
- Historic Gurdwaras in Pakistan20
- Hindu bhagats and poets, and Punjabi officials185
- Gurudwaras64
- Gurmukhi Calligraphy4
- Gurdwara Management committees5
- Famous Women82
- Famous Sikh personalities494
- European adventurers, scholars and officials108
- Eighteenth century Literature49
- Educational institutions10
- Biographical1649
- Bhai Gurdas and the early Sikh literature26
- Arts and Heritage79
- Arts and Artists12
- Architecture17
- 4.21
24 years Ago
SITA The ten-headed Ravana has tåken away Sita, therefore Rama grieves..... (Shalok Våran te Vadhik, M. l, p. 1412) The false Gurus sing about the episode of Rama and Sita. (Var Asa M. l, p. 465) Rama had lost his wife and had to wage a war with Ravana. (Gond Namdev, p. 875) Sita was the daughter of Janaka Videhi, the king of Mithila. For her marriage, a Swayyamavara was arranged. It was proclaimed that whosoever would bend the bow of Shiva, would be married with the princess.
24 years Ago
SHUKRA The king Bali was proud of his wealth. He was puffed up greatly by performing Yajnas (sacrifices). By not consulting his Guru (Shukra), he went to the nether-regions (Patala). (Gauri M. l, p. 224) Shukra or Venus is one of the planets. Mythologically Shukra was the son of Bhrigu. He was the Guru of Bali and the demons. When the dwarf (Vamana) met Bali, he asked Bali to be cautious about the demands put by him. But the king Bali did not hold further consultations with his Guru, therefore the dwarf incarnation of Vishnu, through stratagem, sent him to the nether-regions. See : Bali.
24 years Ago
SHIVA Shiva, the sage, remains absorbed within himself, but he is full of wrath and ire. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Shiva, the Yogi, though tired of smearing his body, could not know Thy end, O Lord! (Suhi M. 5, p. 747) Shiva does not know the secret of the Lord. (Ramkali M. 5, p. 894) O Pundit! I saw your Mahadeva (Shiva) coming; while riding on his white Bull, his meal was prepared in the house of the storekeeper, which he did not like and in rage,killed his son.
24 years Ago
SHANKARA Shankara and thirty-three crore of gods meditated on the Lord, but could not know his secret. (Bairari M. 4, p. 719) Shankara does not know the secret of the Lord; the gods have accepted defeat in their search. (Ramkali M. 5, p. 894) Shankara, Vishnu and the incarnations of Vishnu utter the Praises of the Lord from their mouths. (Var Gujri M. 5, p. 518) Shankara is another name of Shiva. It is in his creative character. See : Shiva.
24 years Ago
SAUNA (SAUNAKA) Saturday—Consideration of the Shastra of Sauna (Saunaka, a sage) dealing with omens (whether an action is good or bad, which time is suitable or unsuitable for that action) is merely whim and ego; the whole world is deluded in it. (Bilawal M. 3. Var Sat, p. 841) That is for me the Sauna Shastra through which the Name of the Lord is remembered. (Sri Raga M. 5, p. 48) Saunaka, the son of Sunaka and grandson of Gritsamada, was a sage reputed as the author of the Brihad-devata, an Anukramani and other works.
24 years Ago
SATYUGA (SATJUG) In Satyuga the chariot is of contentment and charioteer of Dharma (Piety). (Var Asa, M. l, p. 470) In Satyuga everyone spoke Truth, in every home, there were enlightened persons absorbed in devotion. In Satyuga, the Dharma-bull stood on all its four feet, the enlightened person contemplates and knows it. (Ramkali M. 3, p. 880) In Satyuga everybody was absorbed in Truth and contentment. The Truth pervaded in its profundity.
24 years Ago
SARSUTI (SARASVATI) Ganga, Jamuna, Godavari and Sarsuti måke effort to touch the dust of the feet of the saint. (They say: we are full of the din of sins and our ditt is removed by the dust of the feet of the saint). (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) In the Vedas, Sarasvati (Sarsuti) is mentioned as a river. In all probability, it was a sacred river of the early Aryans. As a river-goddess, Sarasvati is said to be the bestower of fertility, fatness and wealth. In later period, she is the wife of Brahma and goddess of speech and learning. See : Sarasvati.
24 years Ago
SARASVATI Shiva, the destroyer of many sins and the master of three worlds, wandered in several pilgrim-stations, but could not be successful in his mission. The sin of severing the fifth head of Brahma could not be washed off from him. Because of his action, the skull of Brahma sticking to his hand could not fall away till he reached Kapalmochan. (Dhanasari Trilochan, p. 695) According to some accounts Brahma produced Sarasvati.
24 years Ago
SANDA MARKA Sanda and Marka made a petition to the demon king Hiranyakashipu against Prahlada..... (Bhairo M. 3, p. 1154) Sanda, Marka cried out to the king that Prahlada does not take interest in the studies and they were tired of instructing him. (Bhairo Namdev, p. 1165) Sanda and Marka went to the king and made a complaint and Prahlada was very swiftly called. (Basant Kabir, p. 1194) Sanda and Marka were the two teachers, who were assigned the task of teaching Prahlada.
24 years Ago
SANAKADIKA (SANAKA etc.) SANAKA, SANANDANA, SANATANA and SANATKUMARA (Sanakadika pertains to all these four names) Sanaka and Sananda (Sanandana) could not know the limits of the Lord. (Asa Kabir, p. 478) Sanaka, Sanandana and Narada Muni serve Thee and always meditate on Thee, O Lord! (Gujri M. 4, p. 507) The sages of gods like Sanaka, Sananda, Shiva and Shesha Naga could not know Thy secret, O Lord! (Dhanasari Kabir, p. 691) Sanaka, Sanandana and many persons observing religious austerities ferried across the world-ocean by the grace of the Guru.
24 years Ago
Pritam Singh Safir was born at Malikpur in Rawalpindi district, now in Pakistan. Safir\'s father, Sardar Mehtab Singh, who served as headmaster of Shri Guru Arjan Dev Khalsa High School, Tarn Taran, was one of the leading Sikh political activists. After graduation from Khalsa College, Amritsar, Safir qualified for Law from the Law College, Lahore. He started practice at the Bar at Lahore in 1938. He moved to Delhi Bar as a consequence of the Partition, where he came to be elevated as Judge of the High Court, Delhi, in 1969.
24 years Ago
Sahrai, Hamam Das has written many historical novels. His Lohgarh narrates the story of Banda Bahadur who was living as an ascetic under the name of Madho Dass till he became a disciple of Guru Gobind Singh and returned to Punjab with a group of Guru Gobind Singh\'s disciples who had followed the Guru on his southward journey. Among Banda Bahadur\'s companions is Satnami Sadhu Rajguru who has accepted the Sikh faith. Two other characters are Reddy, son of a rich landlord turned sadhu and Hiravati who falls in love with Reddy and marries him.