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- 4.21
VAR AMRITSAR KI, also known as Var Singhan Ki, by Darshan Bhagat, a disciple of Bhai Kanhaiya is an eyewitness account of the battle fought in Amritsar between a force sent by the Mughal satrap of Lahore and the Sikhs on the Baisakhi day (29 March) of 1709. A manuscript of the poem was held under No. 2735 in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, until the library perished in 1984. A published version in the anthology tided Panjabi Varan (Kalam Mandir, Patiala) is, however, available. As a result of the conciliatory policy of Emperor Bahadur Shah, the lands attached to the Golden Temple, Amritsar, which had been earlier confiscated were restored and Sikhs were appointed by Mata Sundari, widow of Guru Gobind Singh, to administer theJ`agirat Amritsar.
VAR BHERE Kl PATSHAHl 10 is an anonymous poem in Punjabi describing the battle of Anandpur, Guru Gobind Singh`s engagement with the pursuing host after he had evacuated Anandpur, and finally die battle of Chamkaur. The view has been expressed that dlis Varis the original version of another poem entitled Bhera Guru Gobind Singh Ka or Bhera Patshahl Dasviri Da. Both these vars deal with the same events, have a similarity of style and have lines, even stanzas, which are common to both. Yet a closer examination reveals that these are two different compositions and one of the poets has evidently borrowed extensively from the work of the other.
VAR HAQIQAT RAI, by Aggra or Aggar Singh, is a versified account of the life and martyrdom of Haqiqat Rai. No biographical details are available about Aggra, except that he was a contemporary of Haqiqat Rai and that he came of a Sethi Khatri family. Haqiqat Rai was the son of Bagh Mall and the grandson, on the mother`s side, of Bhai Kanhaiya, a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Gobind Singh. The Var was completed in 1841 Bk/AD 1784, and it comprises 212 stanzas.
VAR HARI SINGH KI, by Sahai Singh. included in the anthology entitled Prachin Varan te Jangname, edited by Shamsher Singh Ashok and published by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, in 1947. He describes Hari Singh Nalva`s expedidon against the Afghans who had invaded Peshawar from across the Khaibar Pass and his final battle in defence of the Fort of Jamrud. This printed version is based, according to the testimony of the editor, on an incomplete manuscript in the personal collection of Shivdev Singh of Nabha. No other copy of the manuscript has so far been discovered.
VAR SHAH MUHAMMAD, also known as Jangnama Shah Muhammad or Hind Panjab da Jang, is a long poem in Punjabi in the traditional baint metre dealing with the events following the deaul of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, notably the Sikhs` warwiui the English in 1845-46. The author is a Muslim, Shah Muhammad (1782-1862), who lived at Vadala Viram, near Amritsar. He identifies himself with the Sikh elan and ascendancy and recalls with pride the glorious days of Ranjit Singh`s empire. With equal personal concern and anguish, he relates the tragic events which overtake it after the passing away of die Maharaja.
VAR SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH Jl KI, also known as Jarignama Bhangani, is an account in Punjabi verse of Guru Gobind oSingh`s battle at Bhangani, near Paonta, in AD 1688, with some of the surrounding hill chiefs supported by the Mughal authority in Delhi. The poem comprises thirty-two cantos of unequal length written in Nishani metre. An old manuscript of this work of unknown authorship was said to have been in Bhai Kahn Singh Library at Nabha but the text is now available in printed form in an anthology entitled Prachin Varan te Jangname, published by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, in 1950. The Var opens with Emperor Aurangzib telling his court about the letters exchanged between him and Guru Gobind Singh.
VARAN BHAI GURDAS is the title given to the collection of forty vars or "ballads" written in`Punjabi by Bhai Gurdas (d. 1636) much honoured in Sikh piety and learning. These forty vars comprise 913 pauris or stanzas, with a total of 6,444 lines. There is no internal or external evidence available to determine the exact time of the composition of these vars, but it can be assumed that vars (Nos. 3,11,13,24,26,38,39) which have references to Guru Hargobind who came into spiritual inheritance in 1606 after the death of Guru Arjan, his predecessor, might have been composed sometime after that year, and the others implicitly prior to that date.