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- The Modern History of Sikhs [1947 - present]9
- The establishment of the Khalsa Panth [1699]3
- The British and Sikhs [1849 - 1947]55
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh's Bani83
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- slider4
- Sikh struggle against Mughal empire [1708 - 1799]13
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- Sikh Political figures404
- Sikh Mystics and Traditional scholars80
- Sikh Martyrs143
- Sikh Gurus9
- Sikh Confederacies [1708 - 1769]13
- row4.11
- row3.11
- row32
- row2.15
- row23
- row1.23
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- Punjab Districts20
- Punjab2
- Punjab267
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- Nineteenth century Literature48
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- Muslims rulers and Sufi saints111
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- Modern works on Sikhs and Sikhism12
- Modern Scholars of Sikhism33
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- Literature in the Singh Sabha movement14
- India84
- In the times of Gurus [1469 - 1708]5
- Historic Gurdwaras outside Punjab6
- Historic Gurdwaras in Punjab38
- Historic Gurdwaras in Pakistan20
- Hindu bhagats and poets, and Punjabi officials185
- Gurmukhi Calligraphy4
- Gurdwara Management committees5
- Famous Women82
- Famous Sikh personalities494
- European adventurers, scholars and officials108
- Eighteenth century Literature49
- Educational institutions10
- Bhai Gurdas and the early Sikh literature26
- Arts and Heritage45
- Arts and Artists12
- Architecture17
- 4.21
YAHIYA KHAN, the eldest son of Nawab Zakariya Khan, became governor of Lahore under the Mughals in 1745 after the death of his father. He continued his father\'s policy of repression against the Sikhs. During his regime, a fracas between a band of Sikh horsemen and the State constabulary resulted in the death of Jaspat Rai, Faujdar of Eminabad and younger brother of Diwan Lakhpat Rai, who was revenue minister to the governor. The minister, bent upon vengeance, took heavy reprisals, rounding up Sikhs living in Lahore and having them executed at the nakhas, the local horse market, later renamed by Sikhs Shahidgahi (martyrs shrine). Lakhpat Rai and Yahiya Khan proceeded in pursuit of Sikhs concentrating on the bank of the Ravi, north of Lahore.
ZAIN KHAN (d. 1764), an Afghan, was appointed governor of Sirhind in March 1761 by Ahmad Shah Durrani. Earlier he had acted as Faujdar of Char Mahal the four districts of Sialkot, Gujrat, Pasrur and Aurarigabad. This was from 1759 when Karim Dad Khan was appointed governor of the Punjab by the Afghan invader. For his relentless campaign against the Sikhs and for his part in die Vadda Ghallughara ( 5 February 1762), or Great Carnage, at the village of Kup Rahira near Malerkotia, Zain Khan had become a special target of their vengeance. Within four months of the Ghallughara they attacked Sirhind with a strong force, inflicting upon him a severe defeat and laying him under tribute.
ZAKARIYA KHAN (d. 1745), who replaced his father \'Abd us-Samad Khan as governor of Lahore in 1726, had earlier acted as governor of Jammu (1713-20) and of Kashmir (1720-26). He liad also taken part in Lahore government\'s operations against the Sikh leader Banda Singh Bahadur. After tlie capture of Banda Singh and his companions in December 1715 at Gurdas Nangal, lie escorted the prisoners to Delhi, rounding up Sikhs lie could find in villages along the route. As he reached the Mughal capital, the caravan comprised seven hundred bullock carts full of severed heads and over seven hundred captives. After becoming the governor of the province in 1726, Khan Bahadur Zakariya Khan, shortened to Khanu by Sikhs, launched a still severer policy against tlie Sikhs and let loose terror upon them.