- Writings by non-Sikhs on Sikhs and Punjab84
- World5
- Uncategorized25
- Uncategorised72
- Traditional Sikh schools16
- Theology33
- The Sikh Empire [1799 - 1839]11
- The Modern History of Sikhs [1947 - present]9
- The establishment of the Khalsa Panth [1699]3
- The British and Sikhs [1849 - 1947]55
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh's Bani83
- Social and voluntary organisations20
- slider4
- Sikh struggle against Mughal empire [1708 - 1799]13
- Sikh reformist movements16
- Sikh political institutions and movements23
- Sikh Political figures404
- Sikh Mystics and Traditional scholars80
- Sikh Martyrs143
- Sikh Gurus9
- Sikh Confederacies [1708 - 1769]13
- row4.11
- row3.11
- row32
- row2.15
- row23
- row1.23
- Research institutions2
- Punjab Districts20
- Punjab2
- Punjab287
- Political Philosophy14
- Philosophy, Spirituality and Ethics352
- Philosophy33
- Pakistan27
- Other Historical Places405
- Nineteenth century Literature48
- Mythological references209
- Muslims rulers and Sufi saints111
- Musicology and Musicians34
- Moral codes and Sikh practices55
- Modern works on Sikhs and Sikhism12
- Modern Scholars of Sikhism33
- Metaphysics8
- Martial Heritage12
- Literature in the Singh Sabha movement14
- India84
- In the times of Gurus [1469 - 1708]5
- Historical Events in Sikh History106
- Historic Gurdwaras outside Punjab6
- Historic Gurdwaras in Punjab38
- Historic Gurdwaras in Pakistan20
- Hindu bhagats and poets, and Punjabi officials185
- Gurudwaras64
- Gurmukhi Calligraphy4
- Gurdwara Management committees5
- Famous Women82
- Famous Sikh personalities494
- European adventurers, scholars and officials108
- Eighteenth century Literature49
- Educational institutions10
- Biographical1649
- Bhai Gurdas and the early Sikh literature26
- Arts and Heritage79
- Arts and Artists12
- Architecture17
- 4.21
ASAVARI See ASA ASCETICISM, derived from the Greek word askesis, connotes the `training` or `exercise` of the body and the mind. Asceticism or ascetic practices belong to the domain of religious culture, and fasts, pilgrimages, ablutions, purificatory rituals, vigils, abstinence from certain foods and drinks, primitive and strange dress, nudity, uncut hair, tonsure. shaving the head, circumcision, cavedwelling, silence, meditation, vegetarianism, celibacy, virginity, inflicting pain upon oneself by whips and chains, mutilation, begging alms, owning no wealth or possessions, forbearance and patience, equanimity or impartiality towards friends and foes, eradication of desires and passions, treating the body as something evil or treating human life as a means of achieving ultimate release or union with God all these are subsumed under ascetic practices. The history of Indian religiousness presents the ultimate in the development of the theory and practice of asceticism.
ATAR SINGH ATLEVALE, SANT (d. 1937), Sikh holy man and preacher, born in early fifties of the nineteenth century, was the eldest son of Bhai Kishan Singh and Mai Naraini, a devoted couple of Mirpur, in Jammu and Kashmir state. Atar Singh, originally known as Hari Singh, was adopted by his childless uncle, Mehar Singh, who had migrated to the village of Jore, in Khariari tahsil of district Gujrat, now in Pakistan. Hari Singh thus moved to Jore and joined the business of his foster father. His work frequently took him to Rawalpindi where he began to attend congregations at the Nirankari Darbar established by Baba Dayal (1783-1855) and then headed by Bhai Sahib Ratta (d. 1911) whose follower he became.