ANGAD DEV, GURU, (1504-1552), the second of the ten Gurus or prophet teachers of the Sikh faith was born Lahina on Baisakh vadi 1, Sammat 1561 Bikrami, corresponding with 31 March 1504. His father, Bhai Pheru, was a Trehan Khatri and a trader of humble means, whose ancestral home was located near the village of Matte di Sarai, now known as Sarai Nanga, 16 km from Muktsar, in present day district of Faridkot in the Punjab. His mother\'s name is variously given as Sabhirai, Ramo, Daya Kaur and Mansa Devi. In Magh 1576 Bk/January 1520, he was married to Khivi, daughter of Devi Chand, a Marvah Khatri from the village of Sanghar, near Khadur, in Amritsar district.
APOCRYPHAL COMPOSITIONS, known in Sikh vocabulary as kachchi bani (unripe, rejected texts) or vadhu bani (superfluous texts) are those writings, mostly in verse but prose not excluded,which have been attributed to the Gurus, but which were not incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib at the time of its compilation in 1603-04. Since the Sikh Scripture was compiled by one of the Gurus and the text as approved by him has come down to us intact, compositions not included therein must be reckoned as extratextual and spurious. Moreover, the contents of the Guru Granth Sahib have been so arranged and numbered as to leave absolutely no scope for any extraction or interpolation.
ARZ ULALFAZ, lit. breadth or scope (arz) of words (aJfaz) or petition, request or address (arz) in words (alfaz), is a versified composition in Persian by Bhai Nand Lal Goya, a noted poet and devout follower of Guru Gobind Singh. Bhai Nand Lal in between his periods of service at the imperial courts of Aurangzib and Prince Mu`azzam (later, Emperor Bahadur Shah) had the honour of enjoying the patronage of Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur. Arz is a long poem of 1,346 couplets of much literary as well as spiritual import.
Anik Bisthar by Pritam Singh \'Safir\' is a collection of forty-eight poems. Safir is a major modem Punjabi poet who has eleven books of poetry to his credit. Safir is a romantic as well as a mystic poet. With romantic wings the lover-poet wants to fly to spiritual and mystic heights. His main source of inspiration is Gurbani and Guru-history. Even the title of this book has been chosen from Sukhmani by Guru Arjan Dev. The influence of Guru Gobind Singh\'s personality on his poetic sensibility is very deep. The artistic admixture of romanticism and mysticism has made him a philosopher poet by bringing depth in his thought and pithiness in his expression.