BATHU, village in Una district of Himachal Pradesh and 15 km west of Nangal along the Nangal Garhshankar road, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Gurplah Patshahi Dasmi, commemorating the visit of Guru Gobind Singh in 1700. Guru Gobind Singh arrived here from Bibhaur and reposed for some time under a plah tree (Butia fondosa) and, according to local tradition, held a discourse with Guru Nanak`s direct descendant, Baba Kaladhari, then living at Una.
BHALAN, village near the confluence of Soah rivulet with the River Sutlej 14 km south of Nangal in Ropar district of the Punjab, is sacred to Guru Gobind Singh, who arrived here following Khanzada Rustam Khan in the winter of 1693-94. As Guru Gobind Singh himself relates in his Bachitra Natak, the Khanzada had planned to surprise the Sikhs with a night attack, but finding the defendants alert he beat a hasty retreat. "Ravaging Barva village (on his way back)," records Guru Gobind Singh, "he made a halt at Bhalan." The shrine rebuilt by the local sangat in 1960 is called Gurdwara Dashmeshgarh (lit. Fort of the Tenth Master). It is a small square sanctum with a circumambulatory verandah around it. The Gurdwara is managed by a committee of the local Sikhs.
BHANGlAN Dl TOP or the gun belonging to the Bhangi misl, known as Zamzama, is a massive, heavyweight gun, 80 pounder, 14 ft. 41/2 inches in length, with bore aperture 91/2 inches, cast in Lahore in copper and brass by Shah Nazir at the orders of Shah Wall Khan, the wazir of Ahmad Shah Durrani. In English literature, it has been immortalized by Rudyard Kipling as Kirn`s gun. It is perhaps the largest specimen of Indian cannon casting, and is celebrated in Sikh historical annals more as a marvel of ordnance than for its efficiency in the battlefield.