BAD TIRATH SAHIB GURUDWARA, VILLAGE HARIPURA Gurdwara Bad Tirath Sahib is associated with the First Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji as well as the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. A deep pool of water to the north of the village, was an ancient place of pilgrimage known as Bad Tirath. Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with Bala and Mardana , visited this place during his First Udasi while Guru Gobind Singh Ji came here after the battle of Muktsar. When Guru Nanak Dev Ji came here, a demon, or a rakhsasa, had terrorized the people of village Haripura. The villagers narrated their tale of woe to Guru Ji, who blessed them and told them not to worry hence forth.
BABA, a Persian word meaning \'father\' or \'grandfather\', is used among Sikhs as a title of affection and reverence. In its original Persian context, Baba is a title used for superiors of the Qalandar order of the Sufis, but as transferred to India its meaning extends to cover the old as well as any faqiror sannyasi of recognized piety. This was also one of Guru Nanak\'s honorific titles during his lifetime. It assumed a hereditary character and all the physical descendants of the Gurus were generally addressed by this title. Apart from them, the title was also applied to one who combined piety with the exercise of a secular authority.