BROADFOOT, GEORGE (1807-1845) Joined service of the East India Company as a cadet in the Madras Native Infantry in 1826. In May 1841, he went to Kabul in command of the escort which accompanied the families of Shah Shuja` and Zaman Shah. He took part in the first Afghan war and distinguished himself in the Khaibar operations under General Pollock. In 1844, he was appointed Agent to the Governor General at the North-West Frontier Agency. The appointment was not liked by the Sikh Government. Major George Broadfoot was impulsive by nature and had a temperamental hostility towards the Sikhs.
BABEKSAR GURUDWARA, DISTT AMRITSAR Bhai Gurdas laid the foundation of the Gurdwara in 1622. Guru Hargobind established a camp here for his cavalry and soldiers soon after. Guru Hargobind said that anyone who bathed in the pool would receive the benefits of rational thinking (Babek).