BANI BHAGATAN SATIX (satik = exegesis or commentary) by Pandit Tara Singh Narotam (q.v.) is an exposition of the bani or hymns of the bhaktas or saints (here the word implies contributors to the Guru Granth Sahib other than the Gurus). The work was, according to inner evidence, completed in 1939 Bk/AD 1882 and the scribe was one Sundar Singh. It was published in AD 1907 by Rai Sahib Munshi Gulab Singh and Sons, Lahore. The book is divided into two parts the first part (pp. 386) covering the compositions of the bhaktas included in Sikh Scripture up to Raga Gujari and the second (pp. 522) covering the rest of them.
BHAGAUTI or Bhavani (Skt. Bhagavati. consort of Visnu, or the goddess Durga) has had in Sikh usage a chequered semantic history.In early Sikhism, especially in the compositions comprising the Guru Granth Sahib, the word means a bhakta or devotee of God. "So bhagautijo bhagvantai janai; he alone is a true devotee who knoweth the Lord" (GG, 88). In Bhai Gurdas, bhagautfhas been used as an equivalent of sword. "Nau bhagauti lohu gharaia iron (a lowly metal) when properly wrought becomes a (powerful) sword" (Varan, XXV. 6).