DEATH, the primordial mystery and one of the cardinal conditions of existence. Scientifically, death is defined as "the permanent cessation of the vital function in the bodies of animals and plants" or, simply, as the end of life caused by senescence or by stoppage of the means of sustenance to body cells. In Sikhism the universal fact of mortality is juxtaposed to immortality (amarapad) as the ultimate objective (paramartha) of life. As a biological reality death is the inevitable destiny of everyone. Even the divines and prophets have no immunity from it. Mortality reigns over the realms of the gods as well.
DEV SAMAJ, a religious and social reform society, was founded on 16 February 1887 in Lahore by Pandit Shiv Narayan Agnihotri (1850-1929). The story of the Dev Samaj is in essence the story of its founder. Pandit Agnihotri was born in the village of Akbarpur, in Uttar Pradesh, on 20 December 1850. At sixteen he went to Thomson College of Engineering at Roorkee. In November 1873, he moved to Lahore taking a position as drawing master at the Government College.
DHAND, village 15 km southwest of Amritsar (31° 38`N, 74° 52`E) along the ChhehartaJhabal road, is sacred to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), who once came here to fulfil the wish of an old Sikh, Bhai Langaha. Gurdwara Patshahi Chhevin commemorating the visit stands on the southern outs kirts of the village. Its present building was constructed by Sant Gurmukh Singh Sevavale in 1929. The Guru Granth Sahib is seated on a canopied seat of white marble in the doublestoreyed sanctum in the middle of the divan hall.