DHARAM ARTH BOARD, a body representing different sections of the Sikh community constituted in May 1949 by Maharaja Yadavinder Singh, Rajpramukh of the Patiala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU), to manage the major Sikh shrines within the new state which had come into being in consequence of the amalgamation of the eight princely territories in the Punjab. Before merger some of these states had their own boards or committees for the purpose. Patiala state had, for instance, its Interim Gurdwara Board formed on 8 November 1946; Kapurthala its General Gurdwara Committee; and Jind its Gurdwara Committee.
DULEY, village in Ludhiana district, 17 km southwest from the city (30° 54`N, 75° 52`E), claims a historical shrine called Gurdwara Phalahi Sahib Patshahi 10. Guru Gobind Singh halted here awhile under a phalahi tree, while travelling from Alamgir toJodhari at the close of 1705. An imposing new gurdwara building, a large rectangular hall, has been completed recently. There is a basement below the prakash asthan representing the site of the original building, and above it is a room topped by a highdomed pavilion. Four more doublestoreyed domed pavilions surround the central pavilion.
DASVANDH or Dasaundh, lit. a tenth part, refers to the practice among Sikhs of contributing in the name of the Guru one-tenth of their earnings towards the common resources of the community. This is their religious obligation a form of seva or humble service so highly valued in the Sikh system. The concept of dasvandh was implicit in Guru Nanak`s own line: "ghali khai kichhu hathhu dei, Nanak rahu pachhanahi sei He alone, 0 Nanak, knoweth the way who eats out of what he earneth by his honest labour and yet shareth part of it with others" (GG, 1245).