GRANTH GURBILAS PATSHAHI 6 (granth volume, book; gurbilas = life story of the Guru; patshahi 6 = the spiritual preceptor, sixth in the order of succession), is a versified account, in Punjabi, of the life of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. The manuscript, preserved in the Punjab University Library, Chandigarh, under accession No. 1176, is of anonymous authorship. The dale of its composition is also not known. The condition of the paper, the formation of the letters and the style of writing point to a comparatively recent date. The manuscript comprises 135 folios, each folio having 30 (fifteen + fifteen) lines.
GURMAT MARTAND, by Bhai Kahn Singh, is a glossary in two volumes of terms bearing on different aspects of Sikh religion, theology and belief. The author undertook this work, arranged topically as well as alphabetically, with a view to rectifying some of the misconceptions about certain Sikh theological and conceptual doctrines and notions which had crept in as a result of ignorance of some chroniclers and the general inability of Sikhs to comprehend clearly and correctly the meaning of the canonical texts.
GURU NANAK VIDYA BHANDAR TRUST, aiming at promoting education among Sikhs, was founded in 1924 by Sardar Bahadur Dharam Singh. He had the inspiration from Sant Afar Singh of Mastuana, a Sikh saint widely revered for his piety at that time. The Trust was formally registered on 10 May 1932. Dharam Singh made substantial contributions from his personal assets. Funds were donated by Sant Atar Singh as well. Among the 18 founding members were eminent educationists and public men such as Bhai Jodh Singh, Bhai Mohan Singh, Bhai Takht Singh and Professor Teja Singh.