GURMANTRA, Punjabi Gurmantar, is that esoteric formula or term significant of the Supreme Being or the deity which the master or teacher confides to the neophyte to meditate on when initiating him into his spiritual discipline. The concept of mantra goes back to the pre-Vedic non Aryan tradition and to the primitive cults of magic, animism and to temism. It has since been a continuing element one way or another in the religious traditions of the world and traces of it pervade to this day among the most modern of them. The occultist and the tantrist believe that mantras have power over the deity and can make it confer the desired boon or favour.
GHAVINDI, village in Lahore dislrict of Pakistan, only one kilometre from the IndoPak border opposite Khaira, had a historical shrine commemorating Guru Nanak`s visit. Upon his arrival in the village, the Guru is said to have put up under a lahurd tree (Cordia latifolia). On this site was built Gurdwara Lahura Sahib (lahurd being a pronunciational variation of lasurd), which had to be abandoned at the time of mass migrations caused by the partition of the Punjab in 1947.