GRANTH GURBILAS PATSHAHI 6 (granth volume, book; gurbilas = life story of the Guru; patshahi 6 = the spiritual preceptor, sixth in the order of succession), is a versified account, in Punjabi, of the life of Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI. The manuscript, preserved in the Punjab University Library, Chandigarh, under accession No. 1176, is of anonymous authorship. The dale of its composition is also not known. The condition of the paper, the formation of the letters and the style of writing point to a comparatively recent date. The manuscript comprises 135 folios, each folio having 30 (fifteen + fifteen) lines.
GURBACHAN SINGH TALIB (1911-1986), scholar, author and teacher, famous for his command of the English language. He was master equally of the written as well as of the spoken word. He was born in a small town, Munak, in the present Sarigrur district, on 7 April 1911, the son of Sardar Kartar Singh and MataJai Kaur. His father was an employee of the princely state of Sarigrur.
GURMAT PRABHAKAR (gurmat = the Guru`s teaching or instruction; prabhdkar= the sun, light, i.e. illuminator or elucidator) is a compendium of Sikh principles and of the Sikh way of life arranged topic wise and alphabetically by the celebrated Sikh theologian and lexicographer Bhai Kahn Singh of Nabha. First published in 1898, the book is dedicated by the author to "Panth Akali" who is vowed to the welfare of the people and the country. The purpose of the author was to enable the reader locate in the voluminous Guru Granth Sahib verses relevant to any special occasion or to his requirements.
GURU NANAK VIDYAK SOCIETY, established in Bombay in July 1947 by the Deccan Khalsa Diwan, and registered with the Registrar of Companies on 27 March 1948 to provide educational facilities for the children of refugee families migrating to Bombay from riotaffected areas in the north. Funds were raised through voluntary subscriptions, later supplemented by a grant from the state government. The first institution set up under the auspices of the society was the Guru Nanak High School. The Society now runs two dozen schools, each having a separate management board appointed by it.
GANDHUAN, a village 20 km southwest of Sunam (30°7`N, 75°48`E) in Sangrur district of the Punjab, has a historical shrine dedicated to the memory of Guru Tegh Bahadur who visited it in the course of his travels in these parts. According to local tradition, a resident of the village, Bhai Muglu, was a devotee of Guru Hargobind and had shown his prowess in the battle of Mehraj (1634). The Guru, pleased at his devotion and valour, had invited him to ask for a boon. Bhai Muglu said that his only wish was that he should be favoured with a glimpse of the Guru before he breathed his last.
GATHA, title of Guru Arjan`s composition comprising twenty-four verses included in the Guru Granth Sahib. In Sanskrit writings, gdthd stands for a religious verse of non Vedic origin, a stanza or a song. In Prakrit and Buddhist traditions, the term signifies averse, a line of poetry, song, stanza or aphorism. The language of the Buddhist Sanskrit texts has also been referred to by some scholars as gdthd. According to Sikh commentators, gdthd, in the context of the verses of Guru Arjan, denotes the language used in these verses which is a mixture of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit.