GURMAT (gurmat, mat, Sanskrit mati, i.e. counsel or tenets of the Guru, more specifically the religious principles laid down by the Guru) is a term which may in its essential sense be taken to be synonymous with Sikhism itself. It covers doctrinal, prescriptive and directional aspects of Sikh faith and praxis. Besides the basic theological structure, doctrine and tenets derived from the teachings of Guru Nanak and his nine successors, it refers to the whole Sikh way of life both in its individual and social expressions evolved over the centuries. Guidance received by Sikhs in their day today affairs from institutions established by the Gurus and by the community nurtured upon their teachings will also fall within the frame of gurmat.
GURU NANAK PRAKASH PRESS, a litho printing press, started around AD 1859 in the village of Pipri, near Gorakhpur in the Uttar Pradesh, by Karivar Jagjot Singh, grandson of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and son of Karivar Pashaura Singh, for printing books in Gurmukhi script with a view to promoting Punjabi literature and culture. Jagjot Singh had been exiled from the Punjab, along with several other Sikh princes and chiefs upon the annexation of the Punjab in 1849 to the British dominions.
GILL KALAN, village 3 km east of Rampura Phul (30°16`N, 75°14`E) in Bathinda district of the Punjab, has...
GOUGH, SIR HUGH (1779-1869), commander of the British armies in the first and second Sikh wars, was born on 3 November 1779, at Wood town, Limerick, Ireland. He joined British army service in 1793 and served at the Cape of Good Hope, and in the Peninsular wars under the Duke of Wellington. He came to India in 1837, and, after serving in the army in various capacities, became the Commanderin Chief in 1843. In spite of his experience as a soldier and his qualities of courage and resolution, Lord Gough did not prove the favourite of any of the three Governors General under whom he served.