ITIHAS GURU KHAIA, by Sadhu Gobind Singh, whose earlier name was Pandit Ganda Singh, is a historical account, in Hindi, of the Sikhs, beginning with Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and terminating with the post Banda Singh period of much turbulence and trial. Sadhu Gobind Singh, a Nirmala scholar, was born in Amritsar district sometime in the third or fourth decade of the nineteenth century. Quite early in life, he became the disciple of Pandit Nihal Singh. He was at Kashi for many years studying Sanskrit language and literature, philosophy, history and the Puranas being his favourite subjects. It was there that lie did all his creative writing. He passed away in AD 1899.
IMAM UDDIN, FAQIR (d. 1847), second son of Ghulam Mohly udDTn and younger brother of Faqir `Azi/ udDin, foreign minister to Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was Qiladar or garrison commander of the Gobindgarh Fort at Amritsar, where the bulk of the Sikh crown jewels was kept in deposit. Capable and scholarly. Imam udDin was entrusted with multifarious duties by the Maharaja. He virtually acted as the chief treasurer of the kingdom, authorizing payments on behalf of the Darbar and carrying out commercial transactions through casli and hund is for the purchase of grain.
IALL KALAN, village 10 km west of Samrala (30"50`N, 76"11`E) in Ludhiana district possesses a shrine called Gurdwara Guru Sai. commemorating the visit of Guru Gobind Singh. When Guru Gobind Singh, disguised as the Pir of Uchch and carried in a palanquin, was passing by this village, the commander of an imperial patrol in search of him, suspecting that the Pir might in faci be the Guru, stopped and interrogated the party. Sayyid Pir Muhammad of Nurpur, who was present and who had in fact recognized the Guru for he had once been Ins Persian tutor, testified that the personage inside the palanquin was a most exalted Pir, and the party was allowed to proceed.