JAGIRDARI, a feudal system of political and revenue administration based on jagir, lit. fief or grant of land received from the sovereign or a vassal owing fealty and obedience to him. Sikhs who, after the fall of Sirhind in early 1764, started occupying territory, did not automatically take to the jdgirdari system in vogue since the Sultanate and Mughal periods. Heads of various Sikh misis and lesser sarddrs or commanders had under them vast tracts of land, but their holdings were not jdgirs in the sense that they were owed to no sovereign above them.
JATHA, from Sanskrit yutha meaning a herd, flock, multitude, troop, band or host, signifies in the Sikh tradition a band of volunteers coming forth to carry out a specific task, be it armed combat or a peaceful and nonviolent agitation. It is not clear when the term jathd first gained currency, but it was in common use by the first half of the eighteenth century. After the arrest and execution of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716, the terror let loose by the Mughal government upon the Sikhs forced them to leave their homes and hearths and move about in small bands or jathds, each grouped around ajatheddror leader who came to occupy this position on account of his daring spirit and capacity to win the confidence of his comrades.
JIVAN SINGH KARSEVAVALE, BABA (1894-1974), one of the principal disciples of Sant Gurmukh Singh Karscvavale (1849-1947), was born to Fatch Singh and Khem Kaur, peasants of modest means residing in the village of Rahal Chahal, in Tarn Taran tahsil of Amritsar district in the Punjab. Born in 1894, Jivan Singh grew up into a sturdy young man, interested in wrestling and other rural sports, but never having the chance of going to school. At the age of eighteen, he married Bavi, renamed Kartar Kaur, daughter of Naudh Singh, of Kaleke. Up to the age of about 40 years, Jivan Singh tried Iris hand at various occupations, including farming and to ngadriving. He also took out a trip to Malaya to seek his fortune there.