KARTAR SINGH KALASVALIA, GIANI (1882-1952), theologian, poet and historian who started a new line in modern Punjabi verse making a departure from the traditional love romance or lays of heroic poetry in Braj or Hindiixcd Punjabi, was born in 1882 in Kalasvala, a village in Pasriir iahsil of Sialkot district, now in Pakistan. Hence the epithet KalasvalTa. Kartar Singh mastered scripture reading in the village gurudwara and joined the 47th Sikh Battalion, later 4th Battalion of the llth Sikh Regiment, as a granthi or Sikh religious teacher. After leaving the army, he became a grant/it at the Darbar Sahib at Amrilsar, rising subsequently to the position of head granthi.
KHALSA NAMAH, by Bakht Mall, a Persian manuscript prepared during 1810-14, is a history of the Sikhs from the time of Guru Nanak (1469-1539) to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Copies of the script, unpublished so far, are preserved in British Library; Royal Asiatic Society, London; Panjab University, Lahore; Khalsa College, Amritsar; and in Dr Ganda Singh`s personal collection at Punjabi University, Paliala. The author came of a Kashmiri Brahman family some of whose members had served at the Mughal court during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahah (1628-58).
KIRPA RAM, PANDIT or Kripa Ram (d. 1705), was the son of Bhai Aru Ram, a Sarasvat Brahman of Matan, 65 km east of Srinagar, in Kashmir. Aru Ram had met Guru Har Rai and sought his blessing at the time of the latter`s visit to Kashmir in 1660. In May 1675, Kirpa Ram led to Anandpur a group of Kashmir! Pandits driven to dire straits by Slate persecution. Iftikhar Khan, governor of Kashmir (1671-75), was a harsh man and was making forcible conversions to Islam. Guru Tegh Bahadur whose help the visitors sought asked them to go and have it communicated to the Emperor that, if he (Guru Tcgh Bahadur) was converted, they would all voluntarily accept conversion.
KOHINUR ("Mountain of Light"), the peerless diamond which today lakes the pride of place among the British crown jewels, once belonged to Maharaja Duleep Singh, the last Sikh sovereign of the Punjab. Duleep Singh was made to surrender it to the British after the annexation of the Punjab in 1849. The stone, which weighed 1861/6 carats, was exhibited in London in 1851. In 1852, it was entrusted for recutting to a London firm of jewellers who engaged for this purpose a Dutch from Amsterdam. The cutting enhanced the brilliance of the diamond, but reduced its weight by 80 carats.