MANGA, 40 km southwest of Lahore along the Lahore Multan highway, had a historic gurudwara, Chota Nankana, commemorating Guru Nanak`svisit. Guru Hargobind, Nanak VI, also halted here on hisway back from Kashmir in 1620. Served by Nirmala priests for generations, the shrine came under the management of the Shiromam Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee during the Gurdwara Reform movement, 1920-25. It had to be abandoned at the time of the partition of the Punjab in 1947.
MISLDARI OR MISALDARI, a system of political relationship as well as of land tenure which came into being with the rise of Sikh power in the eighteenth century Punjab. The Sikh warriors who, since the execution of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716, had lived precariously as small guerilla bands, had by the middle of the century grouped themselves into eleven main divisions and started acquiring territory as misls. This was the origin of the Sikh misls which established their sway in the Punjab.
MONTAGUCHELMSFORD REFORMS AND THE SIKHS. The first time the elective principle was introduced to choose representatives for legislative bodies in India was with the introduction of the scheme known as Morley Minto reforms of 1909. By then the Muslims had succeeded in persuading Lord Minto, Governor General of India, that since they were in a minority, proper representation should be ensured them by reserving for them seats which they alone could contest and for which they alone could vote, with weigh t age given them to offset the Hindu preponderance in numbers. The Chief Khalsa Diwan, speaking on behalf of the Sikhs, asked for similar concessions for them.