SADHNA, one of the fifteen saints and sufis whose hymns are incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib, was a qasai or butcher by profession who, by nis piety and devotion, had gained spiritual eminence. He is believed to have been born at the village of Sehvan, in Sindh. He was cremated at Sirhind, in the Punjab, where even today a tomb stands in his memory. He is considered to be a contemporary of Nam Dev, another medieval saint. Sadhna lived by selling n eat, though, as it is asserted, he never butchered the animals himself.
SATVANT KAUR, whose full title is Snmatf Satvant Kaur di Jivan Vithia, is a historical romance by Bhai Vir Singh. Its first part was published in 1900 and the second in 1927. In later editions, both parts were combined in a single volume. The plot has been set against the backdrop of the Afghan invasions of the Punjab in the eighteenth century. With Ahmad Shah Durrani`s fourth raid in 1756 is linked the story of the heroic Sikh girl, Satvant Kaur, who, having been abducted to Kabul, undergoes untold tribulation but remains stread fast in her devotion to her religious faith.