SIKHS AND THE TRANSFER OF POWER. The Sikhs, after the two Anglo Sikh wars, lost their kingdom and the Punjab came under the British rule in 1849. The British, by the construction of railways, roads and canals, brought the province stability. The Sikhs, along with other Punjab is, became the most prosperous peasantry in India and they joined in increasing numbers the army under the British. But signs of unrest began to appear among them as legislation restricting the rights of colonists in the canal irrigated lands allotted to them was passed.
SINGHPURA, a village 5 km south of Baramula (34"13`N, 74"23`E) in Kashmir valley, claims a historical shrine, Gurdwara Chhevin Patshahl Tharha Sahib, dedicated to Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), whose visit it commemorates. According to local tradition, a Muslim Faqir, Bahlol, served the Guru here and received his blessing. A memorial platform (tharha, in Punjabi) established here was later developed into a gurdwara.
SRI GUR SOBHA, a poetical work, part eulogy and part history, is an admixture of Braj and eastern Punjabi, by Sainapati who enjoyed Guru Gobind Singh`s patronage for several years. The work, which had remained unknown to scholars of the recent period, was rediscovered by Akali Kaur Singh and published through Bhai Nanak Singh Kirpal Singh Hazuria, Amritsar, in December 1925. Another edition was brought out by Dr Ganda Singh (Punjabi University, Patiala, 1967). Two copies of the manuscript existed in the Sikh Reference Library, Amritsar, which were destroyed in, the Army action in 1984. In Sn GurSobha the poet o uses neither his name nor penname.
SUKKHA SINGH (d. 1752), eighteenth century Sikh warrior and martyr, was born at Mari Kamboke, in Amritsar district, in a family of carpenters of the Kaisi clan. As a small boy, he had heard with great fascination stories of Sikhs` daring and sacrifice in those days of fierce persecution and , although his parents in order to restrain his enthusiasm got him married when he was barely 12, he visited Amritsar to receive khande di pahul, the vows of the Khalsa, and began to entertain fugitive Sikhs in his home. His parents, apprehensive of the government`s wrath, one day cut off his hair as he lay asleep.