SEVA SINGH, BHAI (1882-1945), journalist and author, was born in 1882 at Sarai Alamgir, in Gujrat district (now in Pakistan), where his father, Lal Sihgh, was a village moneylender. Passing his middle school examination from Jehlum, he trained as a junior vernacular teacher at Rawalpindi, and took up service at Khalsa Middle School, Pindi Gheb, in Attock district. Simultaneously, he started giving sermons in gurdwaras. He also wrote polemical pamphelts in Urdu to propagate Sikh teachings as well as to rebut the critical propaganda of the Arya Samajists.
SIKHS AND AFGHANS, THE, by Munshi Shahamat `All, the Journal of an expedition to Kabul through the Punjab and die Khaibar Pass in 1838-39 kept by the author, who accompanied Colonel Wade and Shahzada Taimur, Shah Shuja`s eldest son, with an auxiliary force under a treaty made in 1838 between three parties the British, Afghans and the Sikhs.
SINGH SAGAR, by Vir Singh Bal, is a versified account of the life of Guru Gobind Singh. The author, not many details of whose career are known, was born to Bhai Bakht Singh towards the end of eighteenth century. He was a poet at the court of Maharaja Karam Singh (1797-1845) of Patiala and wrote several books, including Kissa HirRahjha, Bara Maha, GurKirat Prakas, Gopi Chand Vairag Shatak, Sudha Sindhu Ramayana. The Singh Sagarwas written in 1884 Bk/AD 1827 at Patiala. The work, two manuscript copies of which are extant one preserved in the Motibagh Palace at Patiala has since been published (1986) by the Punjabi University.