SIKLIGAR SIKHS constitute that section of lohars or ironsmiths who once specialized in the craft of making and polishing weapons. Sikligar is derived from Persian saqi, lit. polishing, furnishing, making bright (a sword), the term saqlgar meaning a polisher of swords. In medieval India, Sikligars were in great demand for manufacturing spears, swords, shields and arrows. Some of them later learnt even to make matchlocks, muskets, cannon and guns. Traditionally treated as of a low caste, Sikligars first came in contact with Sikhism during the time of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644) who had initiated the practice of arms among Sikhs.
SOHAN SINGH, SANT (1902-1972), born Ude Singh, was the youngest of the four children of Pahjab Singh and Prem Kaur who lived at the village of Phul in the former princely state of Nabha. The family moved to Chatthevala, near Damdama Sahib (Talvandi Sabo), during the influenza epidemic of 1918-19. Ude Singh was a good looking youth and was for this reason named Sohana, i.e. handsome.His original name was soon forgotten and he came to be known as Sohan Singh. He studied the Sikh sacred texts with Sant Hari Singh at the village of Jion Singhvala, in present day Bathinda district.
SRI GURU PANTH PRAKASH, popularly Panth Prakash, by Giani Gian Singh (1822-1921), is a history of the Sikhs in verse. As the title suggests, it is an account of the rise and development of the Guru Panth, i.e. the Klialsa or the Sikh community. The author, a theologian and preacher of Sikh religion belonging to the Nirmala sect, made his debut in the field of historiography in 1880 with the publication of this book which he wrote at the suggestion of his teacher, Pandit Tara Singh Narotam (1822-91). Its first (1880) edition was lithographed at Delhi with only 65 bisrams (chapters or sections), and 715 pages.
SULTAN MAHMUD KHAN (d. 1859) , son of General Ghaus Khan, was a commander of a section of heavy artillery during the regime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. His derah of artillery was designated as Topkhanai Sultan Mahmud. After the death of General Ghaus Khan in 1814, although the chief command of the artillery was entrusted to Misr Divan Ghand, the battery under the former`s command was placed in the charge of Sultan Mahmud. Sultan Mahmud accompanied Maharaja Ranjit Singh on his expeditions against Multan and Kashmir. After the reorganization of the Sikh army into Brigades in 1835, when a horse battery was attached to each brigade, the heavy siege train continued to be commanded by General Sultan Mahmud as a separate corps.