SATI or sachch, Punjabi form of the Sanskrit satya or sat, lit. truth, in the philosophical sense is essential and ultimate reality as against inessential or partial truth. Rooted in Sanskrit as meaning "to be, live, exist, be present, to abide, dwell, stay", satya means " true, real, pure," as also the "quality of being abidingly true, real, existent." Satya or satyam is a widely used term in the philosophical thought of India. It signifies eternality, continuity and unicity. In the Upanisads sat (truth) is the first of the three essential characteristics of Brahman, the other two being chit (intelligence) and anand (bliss). In Vedanta philosophy, the one permanent reality, Brahman, is called Sat, while the phenomenal fluxional world is named asat (nonreal).
SHAHID SIKH MISSIONARY COLLEGE, at Amritsar, a college for training Sikh preachers, was opened in October 1927 in memory of the shahids, i.e. martyrs, who had on 20 February 1921 laid down their lives at Nankana Sahib, birthplace of Guru Nanak, during the campaign for the reform of the management of Sikh shrines. The idea of starting such a college originated with the managing committee of the Gurdwara Sri Nankana Sahib formed in consequence of the passage of the Sikh Gurdwaras Act of 1925. A Shahidi Fund (martyrs` fund) had in fact been opened and a Sikh Mission Society formed in 1921 at Nankana Sahib, the former to raise a memorial in honour of the martyrs and the latter to spread Sikh teaching.
SIKH JOURNALISM, tracing its beginnings to the latter half of the nineteenth century was influenced in its founding and evolution primarily by two factors : institution building in Sikhism with a view to defending itself and restating its principles, and the Sikhs` confrontation with the aggressive Arya Samaj over the question of whether the Sikhs were just another sect within Hinduism. It was a period when the Sikhs faced a crisis of identity occasioned by a strong sense of militancy among the numerous sects and religions and a concomitant set of pressures arising from the demands of modernization.
SMITH, SIR HARRY GEORGE WAKELYN (1787-1860), divisional commander of the British army of the Sutlej, under Lord Hugh Gough, in the First Anglo Sikh war (1845-46). Pie was a veteran of the Peninsular war and had also taken part in the battle of Waterloo. He saw action at Ferozeshah (21 December 1845), Baddoval (21 January 1846), and at `Alival (28 January 1846). His troops were stationed at Dharamkot when a division of the Sikh army under Ranjodh Singh Majithia crossed the Sutlej at Phillaur, seriously threatening Ludhiana and intersecting the Britisli line of communication.
SORATHI KI VAR, or Ragu Sorathi Var Mahale Chauthe KI as is the full title recorded at the head of the text in the Guru Granth Sahib contrasting the short title in the index, is one of the eight vars composed by Guru Ram Das. It comprises twenty-nine pauns, i.e. stanzas of five verses each, interspersed with fifty-eight slokas three of them being by Guru Nanak, one by Guru Angad, forty-seven by Guru Amar Das and seven by Guru Ram Das, the author of the Var. The Var opens with Guru Nanak`s line: "sorathi sada suhavani je sacha mani hoi agreeable always (to sing) is Raga Sorathi provided one`s mind is to truth attuned" (GG, 642).
SRIJASSA SINGH BINOD, manuscript dealing with the career of Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluvalia (1718-83), a prominent Sikh warrior of the eighteenth century and founder of the erstwhile state of Kapurthala in the Punjab, was written by Ram Sukh Rao at the instance of Sardar Fateh Singh, ruler of Kapurthala from 1801 to 1836. The manuscript, formerly the property of Kapurthala state, is now held in the Punjab State Archives, Patiala, at MS. accession No. M/772. It consists of 250 folios, size 22x16 cm, each containing 16 lines. Not much is known about the author, Ram Sukh Rao, except that he was a Brahman, who had worked as a tutor in the Kapurthala family and who was rewarded with a.jagir, i.e. land grant, after his ward Fateh Singh`s accession to the throne.