VAIRAG, usually bairagor sometimes virag`in Punjabi, is derived from Sanskrit vairagya meaning "change or loss of colour, growing pale ; disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of ; freedom from all worldly desire, indifference to worldly objects or to life ; asceticism," or analysed as vi (prefix denoting disunion, separation, division)+rag (act of colouring or dyeing, colour, hue, tint, dye especially red colour, redness ; any feeling or passion especially love, affection or sympathy for ; vehement desire of, interest, joy, delight in; musical note, harmony, melody; loveliness, beauty). Simply stated, vairaghas been defined as a mental state or attitude implying "detachment from and indifference to all things that stimulate desire, arouse the passion and strengthen any of the other virtues or vices."
VAIROKE, village 3 km west of Lopoke, in Amritsar district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine sacred to Guru Nanak, who once visited it during his travels through these parts. According to local tradition, the Guru, sitting here on a dead her tree trunk discoursed with a Muslim faqir, Shah Bakhtiar, whose tomb now stands on the eastern outskirts of the village. Gurdwara Babe di Ber Sahib, or simply Ber Sahib, marking the site still has two her trees which are believed to have sprouted from the log on which Guru Nanak had sat. The present building, a square room with the sanctum in the middle, was constructed in 1920. Above the sanctum are two storeys of square rooms topped by a lotus dome w^ith a gilded pinnacle. Divans, accompanied by Guru ka Langar, mark the observance of every full moon day.
VAK, from Sanskrit vaka (sounding, speaking ; a text, recitation or formula) or vakya (speech, saying, statement, declaration, a sentence or period), has a special connotation in the Sikh system. In Sikh terminology, Vak means the command or lesson read from the Guru Granth Sahib. Vak laina or hukam laina (obtaining or receiving the Guru`s word or command) is for the Sikhs tantamount to having a darshan or audience of the Guru Granth Sahib, ever present Guru for them. It is an act of seeking the counsel or instruction of the Guru who `speaks` through the vak or hymn recited aloud. Customarily, vak or hukam is recited in sangat by an officiant after the installation or opening of the Guru Granth Sahib in the morning and every time after ardas or supplicatory prayer is said at die end of the service.
VARYAM SINGH, BHAI (1881-1921), one of the Nankana Sahib martyrs, was born on 31 July 1881, the son of Bhai Dula Singh and Mai Hukami, a Mazhabi Sikh couple of the village of Sutoval, in Amritsar district. Dula Singh had a targe family of five sons and four daughters and Varyam Singh was the eldest of the sons. In 1893, the family moved to Chakk No. 64 Bandala Nihaleana in Lyallpur district. Varyam Singh enlisted in the army during the First Great War (1914-18) and served in the 8th Battalion.
VANJARA SIKHS or Banjaras, akin to Labana Sikhs of the Punjab, are found scattered throughout Central and South India as well as in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Although vanjara, from Sanskrit vanij (a merchant, trader), is now used as a generic term for peddlers in the Punjab, the Vanjaras during the medieval times formed a class of travelling traders and carriers of merchandise in Central India, the Deccan and Rajputana (now Rajasthan). Organized in tandas or caravans, each headed by a naik or leader, they trekked between the Western ports and the trade centres of the interior.