GURMAT SANGIT or sacred music of the Sikhs. The founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Nanak (1469-1539), composed his religious verse to settings of Indian ragas mostly from the classical tradition. Successive Gurus followed his example and considered divine worship through music the best means of attaining that state which results in communion with God. Religious music is that musical expression which is appropriate to and presented as a definite part of a formal service of worship. Devotional music may have religious texts, but is performed primarily by individuals usually in secular surroundings.
SUNDAR SINGH, RAGI (1892-1937), head musician at Sri Harimandar at Amritsar, was born at Amritsar in 1892, the son of Bahi Amar Singh Arora, himself a musician of considerable standing. Sundar Singh served his apprenticeship with Bhai Atra, a well known rababi (rebeckplayer), who was a disciple of Bhai Moti, a rababi of still greater repute in his time. He further chiselled his style under a noted Sikh musician, Uttam Singh. On 10 September 1932, he was appointed ragIat the Harimandar where he soon rose to be the head musician. He had a rich melodious voice and his favourite instruments were dilruba, a string instrument, and harmonium, and his favourite mode was Khayal.
VAR, a verse form in Punjabi popular in folklore as well as in refined poetry. In the old bardic tradition of the Punjab, var meant the poem itself with its typical theme as also the form in which it was cast. The earliest vars were ballads of battles and dynastic feuds, of issues of honour fought at the point of the sword and of romantic love. The Gurus employed this form for spiritual themes. The var in Punjabi has since acquired a predominantly Sikh character, though the content subsequently changed from spiritual to heroic.
PARTAPU, BHAI, a professional soldier, came to Guru Arjan, offered obeisance and spoke with folded hands, "Weilding of arms is my trade. Pray, advise me how best my soul can be saved." Guru Arjan, as recorded by Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, said, "When death comes no one will save you, and until then no one can harm you. Therefore, be fearless in battle, but fight only for a righteous cause. When out of battle, be charitable. Through charity your arms shall be blessed, through charity you shall earn renown." Bhai Partapu became a disciple and was so highly regarded for his devotion and piety that Bhai Gurdas made a special mention of him in his composition, the Varan.
ANARKALI, the oldest Mughal tomb in Lahore, was built between 1605 and 1615 by Emperor Jahangir for his former favourite dancing girl Anarkali. The tomb was surrounded by extensive gardens enclosed within a high protective wall, and several buildings and palaces were erected in the gardens by Mughal princes and nobles. In 1799, Maharaja Ranjit Singh put up his headquarters there while besieging Lahore. Subsequently, he offered Anarkali to his eldest son, the heir apparent Kharak Singh.
ALPHABET (GURMUKHI) Punjabi alphabet is known as Gurmukhi. Since its characters were used for writing and transcribing the biography and hymns of Guru Nanak, it was given this name by the second Sikh Guru, Guru An gad Dev. It is a misnomer to call the Guru as the inventor of its characters, because before the advent of Guru Nanak, their usage had been prevalent according to in a tablet found at A thur in Ludhiana district. Even Guru Nanak himself based one of his poems entitled \'patti\' on its characters. This Alphabet is also called \'Paint is Akhri\' because it contains thirty-five letters.
BAOLI or bavali is a masonry well with steps leading down to water level. This is perhaps the oldest type of well introduced when man had discovered the existence of subsoil water and also the means to reach it, but had not yet invented mechanical devices to draw water out of it. Before masonry art was developed, baolis must have been only shallow pits with a sloping path down to the water, vertical walls and dented steps confined only to rocky regions.