EDWARDES, SIR HERBERT BENJAMIN (1819-1868), soldier, writer and statesman, son of the Rev. B. Edwardes, was born on 12 November 1819. He joined the Bengal infantry as a cadet in 1841, and served as Urdu, Hindi and Persian interpreter to his regiment. He was aide decamp to Lord Hugh Gough during the first Anglo Sikh war and was, in 1847, appointed assistant to Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, British Resident ai the Sikh capital, who sent him to effect the settlement of Bannu, the account of which is given in his work, A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 1848-49, London, 1851.
GUISE, WALTER (d. 1857), tutor to Maharaja Duleep Singh from 1850 to 1853 at Fatehgarh in present day Uttar Pradesh to which place the young prince had been taken by the British after the occupation of the Punjab. In contemporary records,he has been described as "a very good fellow, patient and attentive, of mild manners and gentlemanly appearance and demeanour." Before Duleep Singh was to convert to Christianity, Guise was assigned to instruct him in the gospel as well, and he was one of those who signed the register of witnesses to the baptism of Maharaja Duleep Singh. In 1853, Walter Guise received an offer from an indigo planter near Fatehgarh to take charge of his plantation as a partner. When in 1857 the Maharaja`s house at Fatehgarh was pillaged and most inmates killed by mutineers, Walter Guise was among the Europeans who lost their lives.
PERRON, PIERRE CUILLIER (1755-1834), in chief and all powerful deputy in northern India. Perron endeavoured to extend Maratha influence up to the River Sutlej. When in 1800 the British emissary, Mir Yusaf `Ali Khan, came on a mission to the court of RanjTt Singh, Perron did not wish an entente to take place between him and the English and wrote to him as well as to the Malva chiefs not to trust them and drive their agent out of their territory.
ALLARD, BENJAMIN (1796-1877), step-brother of General Allard, born at Saint Tropez in 1796, was sent to Lahore in 1829 in order to replace his brother as the military adviser of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, but the two brothers failed to win the confidence of the Maharaja, who would not release General Allard from his duties. Benjamin then acted as his brother\'s deputy for various commercial missions between Lahore and Calcutta, along with Falcon and Meifredy.
BURNES, SIR ALEXANDER (1805-1841), British traveller, explorer and writer, was born on 16 May 1805. He joined Bombay infantry in 1821. Upon his arrival in India, he devoted himself to the study of the local languages and was, while still an ensign, selected for the post of regimental interpreter. In 1829, he was transferred to the political department as assistant to the Political Resident in Cutch. In 1831, he was sent on a complimentary mission to Lahore, in charge of English horses, including a team of carthorses, four mares and a stallion, sent by the King of England as presents for Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
ELLENBOROUGH, LORD EDWARD LAW (1790-1871), Governor General of India (1842-44), son of Edward Law, Baron Ellen borough, Lord Chief Justice of England, was born on 8 September 1790. He was educated at Eton and at St John`s College, Cambridge. He became a member of the House of Lords in 1818. He was appointed Lord Privy Seal in 1828 and president of the Board of Control (1828-30) whence began his connection with Indian affairs. He succeeded Lord Auckland as Governor General of India in February 1842. On his arrival in India, Lord Ellenborough found himself confronted with an alarming situation in Afghanistan and northwest frontier.