MIAN MITTHA, a Muslim holyman living in a village which came to be called Kotia Miari Mittha in the present Sialkot district of Pakistan Punjab, met Guru Nanak as the latter was passing through his village. The two held a discourse. According to Purdtan Janam Sdkhi, Miari Mittha observed that only two names are supreme and venerable, the first that of God and the second that of the Prophet, to which Guru Nanak replied, “The first name is that of God, so many prophets are at His Gate.” To Mittha`s two further questions, “How can a lamp burn without oil? (meaning thereby how light of God is possible without the intermediary Prophet)” and “How shall man obtain a seat in God`s court?” Guru Nanak replied by singing a hymn in Siri measure to the accompaniment of Mardana`s rebeck.

It said: Act according to holy books, Put the wick of God`s fear into thy body; Ignite it with true understanding; Thus shall thy lamp burn without oil. Make such a light and you shall find the Lord. The next two stanzas answered Miari Mittha`s second question: When the body is attuned to God`s Word And service is performed, Happiness is ensured; (Otherwise) the world merely comes and goes. While in the world, perform sevd (service), Thus will you find a seat in God`s court.

References :

1. Vir Singh, Bhai, ed., Puratan janam Sakhi. Amritsar, 1971
