BHIKHAN KHAN (d. 1688) was a Pathan who had served in the Mughal army before joining Guru Gobind Singh at Paonta Sahib on the recommendation of Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura. He had one hundred soldiers under his command, but he crossed over to the hill rajas on the eve of the battle of Bharigani (AD 1688). According to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, Bhikhan Khan told the Pathans in the employ of Guru Gobind Singh that the Guru was mainly dependant on them and that the rest of his army was only a miscellaneous rabble who would run away when they heard the first shot fired. He suggested that they could save their lives by taking the side of the hillmen.
NIZAM UDDIN (d. 1802), the Pathan chief of Kasur and a tributary of the Bharigi sarddrs, overthrew his allegiance to the Sikhs and submitted to Shah Zaman, the king of Afghanistan, when the latter invaded India in January 1797. Nizam udDin took possession of the forts evacuated by the Sikhs. During Shah Zaman`s next invasion in November 1798, he presented a nazar to him and entreated that he be appointed governor of the Punjab for a tribute of 5, 00, 000 rupees annually which proposition was not acceptable to the Shah. On the retirement of Shah Zaman in 1799, Nizam udDin tried in vain to persuade the Muslim citizens of Lahore to accept him as their ruler, but they rejected the proposal and invited Ranjit Singh instead to take possession of the city.
ZAKARIYA KHAN (d. 1745), who replaced his father \'Abd us-Samad Khan as governor of Lahore in 1726, had earlier acted as governor of Jammu (1713-20) and of Kashmir (1720-26). He liad also taken part in Lahore government\'s operations against the Sikh leader Banda Singh Bahadur. After tlie capture of Banda Singh and his companions in December 1715 at Gurdas Nangal, lie escorted the prisoners to Delhi, rounding up Sikhs lie could find in villages along the route. As he reached the Mughal capital, the caravan comprised seven hundred bullock carts full of severed heads and over seven hundred captives. After becoming the governor of the province in 1726, Khan Bahadur Zakariya Khan, shortened to Khanu by Sikhs, launched a still severer policy against tlie Sikhs and let loose terror upon them.
BHIKHAN SHAH OR SHAH BHIKH, PIR, a seventeenth century Sufi saint, was born the son of Sayyid Muhammad Yusaf of Siana Sayyidari, a village 5 km from Pehova, now in Kurukshetra district of Haryana. For a time, he lived at Ghuram in present day Patiala district of the Punjab and finally settled at Thaska, again in Kurukshetra district. He was tlie disciple of Abul Mu`ali Shah, a Sufi divine residing at Ambhita, near Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, and soon became a pfr or saint of much repute and piety in his own right. According to tradition preserved in Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, Pir Bhikhan Shah, as he learnt through intuition of the birth of Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) at Patna, made obeisance that day to the east instead of to the west.
KHUSRAU, PRINCE (1587-1622), the eldest son of Prince Salim (later Emperor Jahanglr) from Man Bai (later Shah Bcgam), daughter of Raja Bhagvan Das of Amber, was born at Lahore on 6 August 1587. His grandfather, Emperor Akbar, had him brought up in the liberal tradition, entrusting his education to teachers, such asAbu`1Fazl and Abu`lKhair. Sheo Daft, a scholar of distinction, instructed him in Hindu religious thought and philosophy. Under the influence of these teachers and of his mother and Raja Man Singh, who acted as his guardian for sometime, Khusrau developed an eclectic interest in religion. His amiable disposition won him the favour of his grandfather and the goodwill of the liberal party at the court.