SAIF UDDIN MAHMUD, also called Saif Khan (d.1685), a high ranking noble in the reign of Aurangzib, was a man of religious disposition which, earned him the popular title of Faqirullah, meaning a holy man of God. His father, Tarbiat Khan, had been a Bakhshi or paymaster under Emperor Shah Jahan, and his elder brother, Fidai Khan, was Aurangzib`s foster brother. During the war of succession (1658) Saif udDin had fought gallantly on the side of Aurangzib, who rewarded him with the title of Saif Khan and the governorship of Agra. Relieved of his post later, Saif Khan retired to his small fief in Sirhind territory where he founded, in 1668, a fortified habitation named Saifabad, now Bahadurgarh, near Patiala. He was governor of Kashmir twice in 1665-68 and again in 1669-1671. In 1671, he quit the post and turned a hermit.
AHMAD, SHAIKH (1564-1624), celebrated Muslim thinker and theologian of the Naqshbandi Sufi order, was born on 26 May 1564 at Sirhind in present day Patiala district of the Punjab. He received his early education at the hands of his father. Shaikh `Abd al-Ahad, and later studied at Siaiko, now in Pakistan. About the year AD 1599, he met Khwaja Muhammad al-Baki bi-Allah, who initiated him into the Naqshbandi order. Shaikh Ahmad soon became a leading figure in that school and wrote numerous letters and treatises on many fine points of the Sufi doctrine such as the concepts of prophecy {nubuwwah) and sainthood (walayah) and the relationship between shari`ah, i.e. religious law, and tariqah, the mystic path.
BARELAVI, SAYYID AHMAD (1786-1831), leader of the militant Wahabi movement in India for the purification and rehabilitation of Islam, was born at Rae Bareli, in present day Uttar Pradesh, on 29 November 1786, in a Sayyid family. At school, he took more interest in sports than in studies. He attained proficiency in wrestling, swimming and archery and developed a robust physique. During 180304, when 18 years of age, he set out for Lucknow with seven companions in search of employment. For seven months, he lived on the hospitality of a local aristocrat who knew the family, but got no employment.
GHAUS KHAN (d. 1814) was an artillery officer under Mahari Singh Sukkarchakkia, and after his death, under his son, Ranjit Singh. He knew something about casting guns, was skilful in his profession, and was rewarded with jdgirs at Van and Bharoval in Amritsar district, with a large house in Lahore which was later occupied by the Mission School. When, in 1812, the Maharaja reorganized the artillery wing of his army into Topkhanai Khas and Topkhanai Mubarak, Ghaus Khan was put in charge of both, with the designation of Daroghai Topkhana. Ghaus Khan distinguished himself in several of the Maharaja`s early campaigns.
SAJJAN, SHAIKH, a resident of Makhdumpur, 20 km southwest of the ancient town of Talumbha or Tulambha, now in Multan district of Pakistan, was a thug or cutthroat who, according to the Janam Sakhi "tradition, was once visited by Guru Nanak. Sayan lived in apparent piety and prosperity and maintained a mosque for Muslims and a temple for Hindus. The sleeping guests were despatched by Sajjan and his band of thugs and their goods became his property. As Guru Nanak accompanied by Mardana passed that way during his travel across southwestern Punjab and stopped by, Shaikh Sajjan read in his lustrous face the signs of affluence and treated him with more than usual courtesy.