LITTLER, SIRJOHN HUNTER (1783-1856), garrison commander at Firozpur, the concentration point of British forward movement preparatory to the first Anglo Sikh war, was born on 6 January 1783 at Tarvin, Cheshire, England. He joined the 10th Bengal Native Infantry in August 1800 and served in the campaigns under Lord Lake in 1804-05, and at the reduction ofJava in 1811. In 1841, he was promoted major general. At the outbreak of the First Anglo Sikh war in 1845 lie was in command of the Firozpur division.
POLLOCK. SIR GEORGE (1786-1872), baronet, field marshal, son of David Pollock, was born on 4 June 1786. In 1803, he entered the East India Company artillery. He took part in the campaign against Jasvant Rao Holkar, 1804-05, and served in Nepal, 1814, and in the first Burmese war, 1824-26. In January 1842, he was appointed commander to the "Army of Retribution" which marched through the Punjab to reconquer Afghanistan after the Kabul massacre of November 1841. He marched with his force towards Peshawar under unfavourable circumstances.
WADE, SIR CLAUDE MARTINE (1794-1861), soldier and diplomat, son of Lt.Col Joseph Wade of the Bengal army, was born on 3 April 1794. He joined the Bengal army in 1809 and was promoted lieutenant in 1815. He served in operations against Scindia and Holkar, and the Pindaris (1815-19) and officiated as brigade major to British troops in Oudh (1820-21). In February 1823, he was appointed assistant at Ludhiana agency, becoming political agent in 1832 which position he held till 1840. Martine Wade was one of the few British functionaries on the Sutlej who by their tact and amiable disposition had won the esteem and affection of the Sikhs, He remained at Ludhiana for 17 years as assistant to agent (1823-27), political assistant (1827-32), and then as political agent (1832-40).
BHIKHAN KHAN (d. 1688) was a Pathan who had served in the Mughal army before joining Guru Gobind Singh at Paonta Sahib on the recommendation of Pir Buddhu Shah of Sadhaura. He had one hundred soldiers under his command, but he crossed over to the hill rajas on the eve of the battle of Bharigani (AD 1688). According to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Pratap Suraj Granth, Bhikhan Khan told the Pathans in the employ of Guru Gobind Singh that the Guru was mainly dependant on them and that the rest of his army was only a miscellaneous rabble who would run away when they heard the first shot fired. He suggested that they could save their lives by taking the side of the hillmen.
GHULAM MOHIY UDDIN, SHAIKH (d. 1845), who rose to be governor of Kashmir in Sikh times, was the son of Shaikh Ujala, a munshi or accountant in the service of Sardar Bhup Singh of Hoshiarpur. At a young age, Ghulam Mohiy udDin took up service under Diwan Moti Ram, the governor of Kashmir, later shifting to Lahore. He exhibited great diplomatic skill when in 1823, under Maharaja Ranjit Singh`s instructions, he persuaded Sardar Muhammad `Azim Khan of Kabul, who had marched upon Peshawar, to retire without firing a shot. In 1827, Kirpa Ram, Diwan Moti Ram`s son, took him to Kashmir upon his appointment as governor of the province.
SAJJAN, SHAIKH, a resident of Makhdumpur, 20 km southwest of the ancient town of Talumbha or Tulambha, now in Multan district of Pakistan, was a thug or cutthroat who, according to the Janam Sakhi "tradition, was once visited by Guru Nanak. Sayan lived in apparent piety and prosperity and maintained a mosque for Muslims and a temple for Hindus. The sleeping guests were despatched by Sajjan and his band of thugs and their goods became his property. As Guru Nanak accompanied by Mardana passed that way during his travel across southwestern Punjab and stopped by, Shaikh Sajjan read in his lustrous face the signs of affluence and treated him with more than usual courtesy.