JAIMAL SINGH BHURFVALE, SANT (d. 1976), known for his austere living and dedication to send or holy service, was the son of Bhai Sher Singh, a shopkeeper of Chakval, a lahsil town in Jchlum district of the Punjab, now in Pakistan. Born in theearly years of the twentieth century, Jaimal Singh came under the influence of Sant Gopal Singh of Chakval who taught him to read Gurmukhi and the sacred texts. As he came of age, he left his native place and came to live at Amritsar sometime during 1930-31. He lived in a small hut near Gurdwara Ramsar, and worked as a porter.
JAVALA SINGH, SANT (1878-1938), a pious and learned Sikh who also worked as a royal tutor for a time, was born at the village of Dham Tari Kalari, in Hoshiarpur district of the Punjab, on 26 October 1878. He learnt to read GurmukhT and the Sikh Scripture at the hands of an Udasi priest, GianT Prem Das, and continued further religious study under different scholars and theologians, including Sant Khalsan Singh Virakt of Sukkho in Rawalpindi district (now in Pakistan). The death register of the Municipal Committee of Patiala where he died shows him, in the parentage column, as chela or disciple of Sant Gulab Singh. Such was Sant Javala Singh`s reputation as a scholar that he was in 1905 appointed to instruct Maharaja Bhupindcr Singh of Patiala (1891-1938), then a young prince of 14, in Sikh texts and doctrine.