GOIND, BHAI, a Ghei Khatri of Sultanpur Lodhi, embraced the Sikh faith in the time of Guru Amar Das. He took part in sevd for the digging of the sacred pool at Amritsar under Guru Arjan. Bhai Gurdas describes Bhai Goind in his Varan, XI.20, as one of the
GURDITTA, BABA (1613-1638), the eldest son of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644), was born on 15 November 1613 to Mata Damodari at Darauli Bhai in present day Faridkot district of the Punjab. He had his training in religious lore and in the martial arts under the supervision of his father. He
HEMA KAPAHI, BHAI, was a resident of Sultanpur Lodhi in the present Kapurthala district of the Punjab. He was in cotton (kapdh) trade for which reason he was known as Kapahi. He embraced the Sikh faith in the time of Guru Amar Das and also received instruction from Guru Arjan.
JAPA, BHAI, a Khatri of the Khullar clan, was a devoted Sikli of the time of Guru Ram Das. His name figures in the roster of prominent Sikhs in Bhai Gurdas` Varan, XI. 17.
JIVA, BHAI, a Sikh living near Khadur Sahib in Amritsar district of the Punjab, who used to bring daily khichan (a dish of rice mixed with lentils) and curds for Guru Angad`s I an gar or community kitchen. One evening as a severe dust storm was raging, he, according
KALU, BHAI, named in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 13, among Guru Nanak`s leading Sikhs. He received instruction at the Guru`s hands and became a devoted disciple. He, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagal Maid, led several others into the holy path.
KHEDA, BHAI, a Brahman resident of Khem Karan, in present day Amritsar district, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. According to Sarup Das Bhalla, Mahimd Prakdsh, Kheda was initially a staunch worshipper of the goddess Durga and regularly went on pilgrimage to Javalamukhi. Once,
LAKKHA, BHAI, a devout Sikh who served as Guru Hargobind`s drummer. He was in attendance upon the Guru during the battles of Ruhela and Amritsar (1629).
MADDU, BHAI, a carpenter by trade, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. According to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Partap Suraj Granth, Bhai Maddu lived up to the time of Guru Hargobind and remained in attendance on him. He revelled in serving in the Guru
MALUK DAS was a long-lived Vaisnava saint who spanned the reigns of the Mughal emperors from Akbar to Aurangzib. He was widely venerated and counted among his admirers and followers, Muslims as well as Hindus. He lived at Kara, on the right bank of the River Ganga, in Allahabad
MIHRA, BHAI, a resident of Bakala, now called Baba Bakala in Amritsar district of the Punjab, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Hargobind. According to Gurbilds Chhevin Pdtshdhi, he built a new house and took avow not to live in it until the Guru had once
NAND GOPAL, son of Kanhaiya Lal, joined the service of the Sikh government as a munshi (clerk) in 1840. His grandfather and father had also served under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Nand Gopal worked as kotwdl under the British, then tahsilddr and afterwards as Inspector of Police in 1861. Later