KALI (KALIYA) (My Lord) gave new life to Kali. (Gond Namdev, p. 874) The Lord who has created the beings and controls their movements. It cannot be a great feat for Him, if as Krishna He subdued and surmounted Kali. (Asa M. l, p. 350) Kali or Kaliya was
MAHA-MAI He who worships Maha Mai (the great goddess), from man he takes his birth as a woman. (Gond Namdev, p. 874) Maha Mai is an epithet for the goddess Parbati or Durga. She is also called Mahamaya.
PARTHA (ARJUNA) Guru Arjan Dev is an authentic personality. He does not move out (of the battlefield) like Partha (Arjuna). (The word Partha connotes a son of Pritha or Kunti). (Swayye Mahle Panjwen Ke, p. 1408) The word Partha cannotes a son of Pritha or Kunti. Partha is a
SUDAMA The Lord met Sudama after removing his poverty. He was emancipated through the devotion of love. Waru M. 4, p. 995) Sudama had been a class fellow of Krishna and studied under the same teacher in the early years of their lives. When Krishna was the king of
VISHNU Remember Vishnu again and again; By remembering Vishnu you will never suffer defeat.(Gauri Bawan Akhri Kabir, p. 342) At whose door should I take refuge, Vishnu, Shiva, an adept, a Muni or Indra. One may give you kingdom, the other may take you to heaven, rare one among
\'Wonderful is the fire which works wonders.\' (Var Asa M. l, p. 464) \'Agni is called Baisantar Devta\' (Var Asa M. l, p. 473). Its other names are Pavak and Tejas. It is an evolute from Air (Paun Devata) and labours hard like him under the Fear of the
AVATARS OF VISHNU (Incarnations of Vishnu) There are millions of incarnating Vishnus. (Bhairo M. 5, p. 1156) Under the Will of the Lord, ten incarnations (of Vishnu) were created. (Mani M. l, f,. 1037) Krishan (It connotes Vishnu here) is always busy in incarnating himself; whom should then the
BASISTA (VASISHTHA) The enlightened sage (Gurmukh) Basista, delivered the sermon about God (Hari). (Wadhans Ki Var M. 4, p. 591) Vasishtha is one of the most famous Indian sages. He was the author of several hymns of Rig Veda. In one of the hymns of the Rig Veda, he
CHANDRAVALI In the period of Yajur Veda, the Gopi named Chandravali was enticed by Kanha (Krishna) of the Jadava race, who brought Parijata (the wish-fulfilling tree) for her (from heaven) and passed his days in Vrindavana in merriment and enjoyment. (Var Asa M. l, p. 470) It was at
DOJAKA (DOZAKHA) How can he be saved from Dojaka (Dozakha—hell), who does not keep the Prophet in his mind? (Var Gauri M. 5, pp. 319-20) Forsaking the diamond-like Han, if people rely on any other, they will go to Dojaka (Dozakha), Ravidas says this Truth. (Shalok Kabir, p. 1377)
GAYA The visits to Ganga, Gaya and Godavari are only worldly works. (Basant Namdev, p. 1196) He goes to Gaya and offers rice-balls. (Gond Namdev, p. 873) It is one of the seven sacred puris (places of religious merit) of Hindus. It is a famous pilgrim station not only
JIVA or living being is not merely physical or material body (deha). It is not even biological or vital breath (prdna). Nor is it just a cluster of senseimpressions {manas), nor intellect {buddhi), nor ego {ahankdrd). The essence of jiva is something beyond all these. It is the Transcendent