GOBINDGARH FORT, raised in the lime of Maharaja Ranjit Singh on the ruins of an old fortress built at Amritsar by Guj[jar Singh (d. 1788) of the Bharigi clan, was named in honour of Guru Gobind Singh. The Fort took four years, 1805-09, to build. According to Lepel Griffin, Shamir Singh Thethar (d. 1824), one of the army commanders, was entrusted by Maharaja Ranjit Singh with the task of building the Fort. He was also appointed its first qiladar (commandant).The Fort, an imposing structure with a gilded dome, was surrounded by a high wall. It had eight towers.
The moat around it was lined with bricks. The huge wooden door on the eastern side marked the main entrance. The Fort contained magazines, arsenals and royal stables, besides a mint. Imam ud Din, one of the renowned three Faqir brothers of Sikh times, remained in charge of the Fort for many years. The Fort also served as the State treasury. Here were kept the crown jewels as well as the Maharaja`s gold and silver. Political prisoners were sent here for detention. The Fort retained its importance under the British and is at present used by the Indian defence forces.
1. Suri, Sohan Lal, `Umddt-ul-Tuidnkh. Lahore, 1885-89
2. Sinyth, G. Carmichael, A History of the Reigning Family of LaAom Paliala, 1970
3. Harbans Singh, The Heritage of l.lie Sikhs. Delhi, 1983