They recite gurbani, the Sikh canon, and devote themselves to nam and seva. They do not form any separate sect; in fact, the most unworldly of the followers of different orders give themselves this name. For instance, several of the Nirmala Sikhs take pride in calling themselves Bihangams. They wear white and, instead of learned study of the holy texts which is customary with the Nirmalas, they occupy themselves with humbler deeds of service. Their most popular centre is at Mastuana, near Sangrur, in the Punjab. They interpret the word bihangam as aconstruction from hangata, Skt. aham = ahanta, meaning egoity or pride, a Bihangam being one who discarding these takes to the path of humility.
References :
1. Rose, H.A., A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province. Patiala, 1970
2. The Census Reports.