The Guru thereupon declared: “Whoever recites correctly, in our presence, theJapu (jl) shall receive his desired reward.” Bhai Gupala humbly said, “0 beneficent one! if you would permit me and bestow upon me your grace, I shall try.” As Bhai Gupala proceeded with the recitation, Guru Hargobind was so moved, records Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Praia? Suraj Granth, that he would have conferred guruship on him as a reward. However, just at the concluding stanza, Bhai Gupala was distracted by the thought of the promised reward, and his mind ran to the prized horses presented by Bhai Sabhaga. He expressed his heart`s desire and was happy to get his coveted prize along with costly trappings and some money. The Guru impressed upon the sangat the importance of correct recitation of gurbdm.
References :
1. Santokh Singh, Bhai, Sri Cur Prntap Suraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33
2. Gurbilas Patshahi Chhevm. Patiala, 1970