He was pulled up by the Raja for the “sacrilege,” but he argued against compulsion in matters of faith so convincingly that Raja Hari Sen became interested to know more about the Sikhs and their Guru. He noi only helped Bhai Kaliana with whatever he needed, but also accompanied him back to Amritsar. He paid obeisance to Guru Arjan and received instruction at his hands. Bhai Kaliana, according to Bhai Santokh Singh, Sn Gw Pratap Suruj Granth, was among those who were specially blessed by Guru Arjan for their dedication and piety and who enjoyed a place of honour in his retinue. Bhai Kaliana had the privilege of being included in the (Guru) Hargobind`s marriage party travelling to the village of Dalla in 1604.
References :
1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Sikhan di Bhagat Mdlfi. Amritsar, 1955
2. Santokh Singh, Bhai, Sri Cur Pratdp Suraj Granti Amritsar, 1927-33