At Goindval, says Sarup Das Bhalla, Mahimd Prakash, Guru Amar Das was waiting and would not eat until Prema, the devotee, had reached with his daily offering. As Bhai Prema arrived and the Guru asked him what had happened to keep him so long, Prema narrated his encounter with the chaudhan of his village. Guru Amar Das asked him to visit Shah Husain, a Muslim recluse living on the bank of Beas. Shah Husain, continues the Mahimd Prakash, miraculously removed the deformity. He attributed this to the favour of Guru Amar Das, and refused to take any credit for himself. Bhai Prema came back overwhelmed with gratitude and fell at the Guru`s feet. The Guru appointed him to head a manji, or preaching district.
References :
1. Bhalla, Sarup Das, Mahimd Prakash. Patiala, 1971