Rup was an amateur student of classical painting and had a well-formed taste in matters of painting and architecture, being a scion of the aristocratic Bhai family that enjoyed much respect, honour and some power in the court of Ranjit Singh. His talent has expressed itself better in what are called \’vars\’ or lays which were published in collections like Shanan mere Punjab dian (the glory of my Punjab), Lok varan (Lays of the people), Mamikh di var (the lay of man) and Himala di var (the lay of the Himalaya). The last named was published after his death. Manukh di var narrates the history and evolution of civilisation.
In Himala di var the Himalayan range is the hero, and it describes the pitiable condition of people living at the foot of these mountains with suggestions about improving their lot. The section about the marriage of God Shiva is full of humour of a simple but polite kind. In Sann santali di var (The lay of 1947), he describes with tragic feeling the gory events that took place in the aftermath of independence.
References :
1. Anon, A Guide of Punjabi, Lahore, 1896.
2. Kohli, Surindar Singh, A Critical Study of Adi Granth, Delhi, 1961.
3. Ramdev, Jaginder Singh (ed.), Punjabi Likhari Kosh, Jullundur, 1964.
4. Taran Singh, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji da Sahitak Itihas, Amritsar, n.d.