In 1821, he sent out Savan Mall, who turned out to be an efficient and benevolent administrator. Under his governorship, Multan attained a high level of prosperity. Robbery and lawlessness were put down; cultivation was extended, commerce, trade and industry flourished and evenhanded justice was dealt out to the rich and the poor alike. The Multan subah was known throughout the kingdom as Dar alAman (the abode of peace). Savan Mall had a tragic end. He was seriously wounded, on 16 September 1844, by an undertrial prisoner and died on 29 September 1844.
References :
1. Suri, Sohan Lal, `Umdat ut-Twarikh. Lahore, 1885-89
2. Mohan Lal, Travels in the Punjab, Afghanistan and Turkistan. London, 1846
3. Hasrat, Bikrama Jit, Anglo-Sikh Relations. Hoshiarpur, 1968
4. Chopra, G.L., The Panjab as a Sovereign State. Hoshiarpur, 1960