He started wearing a sword with a wooden blade, but a proper hilt for show. A complaint reached the ears of the governor, who ordered a parade. As he started inspecting the soldiers` weapons, Bhai Tiloka prayed the Guru for succour. Amazingly, tells the chronicler, Tiloka`s wooden sword, when unsheathed, turned out to be gleaming steel. When Bhai Tiloka next visited the Guru, he narrated the story to the sangat.
References :
1. Mani Singh, Bhai, Sikhan di Bhagat Mala. Amritsar, 1955
2. Santokh Singh, Bhai, SriGur Pratap Suraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35
3. Gurdas, Bhai, Varan, XI. 18