PHUMMAN SINGH, BHAI(1906-1924), one of the Jaito martyrs, was born the son of Bhai Hamir Singh and Mat Tabi, farmers of the village of Vandar, 22 km south west of Bagha Purana in Moga district. He grew up into a strongly built handsome young man, with an affable manner. He had no schooling and started farming the family`s lands while still very young. He was deeply influenced by the Sikh movement for the reform of Gurdwara management and eagerly sat through the rites of Khalsa initiation.
The first martyr`s column which left Amritsar to take part in the Jaito campaign on 9 February 1924 reached its last halting place, Bargari, a village bordering the princely state of Nabha of which Jaito then formed a part, on 20 February. Phumman Singh walked the 5 km to Bargari to meet the jathd. He along with his companions came again the following morning. They had not gone very far when the Nabha authority opened fire upon them. Phumman Singh received a bullet in his chest and died on the spot.