He donned the blue and saffron robes of a Nihang and came to be known as Nihang Sham Singh.He dedicated his life to preaching the Sikh faith. He returned to his native village, in Uttar Pradesh, where his erstwhile busines partner, Shera, was the first to come under his influence. He escorted Shera to Bhasaur^ then an active centre of Singh Sabha, the Sikh renaissance movement.
Here he was converted by Bhai Tej a Singh, a leading Sikh of the day, and named Hari Singh. Sham Singh continued his missionary work in Uttar Pradesh. In 1914, he came to settle at Paniall Qasimpur where he set up a gurdwara. Many were drawn to the Sikh faith by his pious example. Sham Singh died in 1924, leaving his successor, Bhai Mahan Singh, to carry on his work.
References :
1. Gian Amrit. Amritsar, 1976