Jawahar Singh`s tenure of office proved to be the briefest. He was drawn into the vortex of courtly intrigue and was instrumental in having Karivar Pashaura Singh murdered after he had thrown himself at the mercy of the troops and was being brought back to Lahore from Attock. This enraged the army who resolved to punish him forthwith. Jawahar Singh was required by the army Ranches (leaders) to present himself before them on 21 September 1845. He prevaricated, and even tried to win them over by free distribution of gold, but to no avail. At last he appeared before them on the given date in the company of his sister, Maharam Jind Kaur, and the Maharaja. Paying no heed to the entreaties of the wailing sister, the soldiers speared him to death as he came within their reach.
References :
1. Khushwant Singh, A History of the Sikhs, vol. 11. Prince ton, 1966
2. Harbans Singh, The Heritage of the. Sikhs. Delhi, 1983
3. Gill, Avtar Singli, Lahore Dnrbnr and Rain jindiin. Ludhiana, 1983